Less than 1/3 of these funds will go toward increasing compensation for teachers. It is not enough for any Cost of Living (COLA) raises. It is only enough for one step and level movement. None of this will reduce class sizes.

Will this help us be competitive?

This includes no increases for new teachers coming to Jeffco leaving us behind for entry level compensation compared to surrounding districts. It includes no extra increases for teachers in Jeffco who were part of the staff that took 3% cuts. It includes no bonuses to reward exception teachers. There is no extra for bringing our PERA educators up to living wages.

Teachers will have to spend money

Sixth grade teachers teaching in middles schools need to have a special certification. Those who want to teach at the middle school using the middle school model will have to spend their own funds to become certified to teach at the middle school level.

Will it help with student achievement?

The funds have not been allocated to additional literacy specialists or math tutors. There has been no conversation about any funds being directed to programs that will increase student achievement.