With Jeffco’s spending increasing hundreds of millions of dollars over the last few years many are asking why more money isn’t going onto classrooms. A little research from Jeffco’s Annual report and the Colorado Department of Education’s Membership report provides insight into where funds are actually being spent.

According to the 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Schedule 13, in 2010 there were 249 Jeffco’s Administrators, not including Principals and Vice Principals. By 2018 this number had grown to 370 people. That is nearly a fifty percent growth in Administrators.

Over the last decade Jeffco’s student enrollment had declined over 1200 students. Over the last year Jeffco’s enrollment declined an additional 1600 students.

Why does Jeffco need nearly 50% more administrators when enrollment is down over 3%?

Jeffco Administration Growth and Enrollment 2010-2019


Colorado Department of Education PK-12 Membership Trend by District – 2008-2018 (XLSX)


Jeffco Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – Schedule 13 – Full-time Equivalent District Employees by Category with Hourly FTE’shttps://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_627881/File/Jeffco%20PS/Finance%20and%20Budget/Comprehensive%20Annual%20Financial%20Reports/CAFR%202018%20WEB.pdf

Admin Grows 49% While Enrollment Declines